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TG COLOMBIA Telegram Group

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Edit Photos/Videos Before Sending Them A further privacy blunder is that Telegram notifies your contacts when you join it — unless you don’t give it permission to access your contacts. The app doesn’t warn you it’s about to ping your contacts, and that’s a big caveat for those who want to use Telegram to keep a low profile. Because Telegram lets you interact with people even if you aren't in each other's contacts, you may wish to make your account more private. To change privacy options, head to Settings > Privacy and Security. Here, you can change who can see your phone number, active status, and more.

A great way to organize your chats inside a group or channel is by using hashtags. When you use a hashtag in a message, that word becomes searchable allowing you to see all the messages relating to that topic. For example, if the group is discussing the new Avengers movie, everyone can use the Avengers hashtag. If you want to see all the messages in one location, you can just tap on the hashtag and all the messages with that hashtag will come up. Hopefully, I have listed enough Telegram features to help you understand why the Telegram app is so popular and secure. Edit Sent Messages Telegram Live Locations and proximity alters (Express Photo)

To create your own theme, tap the three-dot button (Android) or go to Chat Themes (iOS) and choose Create new theme. Here, you can create your own look if you don't like any of the default options. The company also makes its API publicly available for free and invites developers to create clients on other platforms. Users can also create custom bots, themes, stickers, and more free of charge. Create Timestamp for Videos Did you know that you can share your live location with your contacts on Telegram?

Stories and statuses Telegram Cloud

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